Michal's blog


Saturday, February 04, 2006

Hello everyone and welcome to my new blog!

From time to time I will post few articles and pictures from my trips or other events. I'll keep it very international, and so don't blame me if you don't understand other language :-)

You know what? ...let start right away - switch!

"Hura, tak nachvilu pekne po slovensky. Vitajte na tejto jednuchej stranke, ktorej ciel je jediny. Vypisat sa. Nie vyrozpravat, ale vypisat. Clovek ma obcas chut podelit sa o skusenosti ci zazitky bez toho, aby musel prehovorit. Tak to skusam tiez. No co mam robit, vy za oceanom - chybate mi!"

Greetings to all of you from Chicago!

Always yours,

Michal / Miso / Kapor / Carp/ Chobot / Bonsaj


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