Michal's blog


Saturday, April 15, 2006

Trip to Washington D.C.

"Bad judgement!" That was my boss reply, when I told him that we are planning road trip to DC and back - all in one weekend! We left Friday evening, drove for 11 hours and got back Monday morning, ready to work that day. But I had a good time! Check out the pics!

Here is our crew (two vans)

(Karol, Nicole, Christoph, Deniz, Indre, Marcin, Me, Tais and Katya)


It has nothing to do with the burning of the house by the British in 1814, although every schoolchild is likely to have heard the story that way. The building was first made white with lime-based whitewash in 1798, when its walls were finished, simply as a means of protecting the porous stone from freezing. Why the house was subsequently painted is not known. Perhaps presidents objected to the dirty look as the whitewash wore away. The house acquired its nickname early on. Congressman Abijah Bigelow wrote to a colleague on March 18, 1812 (three months before the United States entered war with England): "There is much trouble at the White House, as we call it, I mean the President's" (quoted in W. B. Bryan, "The Name White House," Records of the Columbia Historical Society 34-35 [1932]: 308). The name, though in common use, remained a nickname until September 1901, when Theodore Roosevelt made it official.

"Mom u there? Or Dad is that you?:-)"

Washington Monument with food court below. Or am I wrong?


At 4:16 PM, Blogger SarahEliz said...

why are you not linked to nomadlife??

see you soon :)


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